Thursday, July 23, 2009

I-Pod Winning Brownies

Brownis Layer:
1 box of brownies
1 1/2 c. chopped, chocolate chips
1/4 c. brown sugar

Layer 2:
1/2 c. chopped mixed nuts
1/2 c. brow sugar

40 rolos
1/2 c.mixed nuts
1/2 c. chocolate chips

make a box of brownies using the cakelike recipe, add 1 1/2 cup of chopped up chocolate chips and 1/4 cup brown sugar. spread into greased cookie sheet. Take 1/2 cup chopped mixed nuts and mix with 1/2 cup brown sugar and sprinkle over batter. Bake at 375 fot 20-22 minutes. Immediately after pulling out of the oven, press 24 rolos into baked brownies in 4 rows of 6, take 16 more rolos and cut them into quarters and sprinkle those and another 1/2 cup chopped nuts over warm brownies. Take 1/2 cup chocolate chips and melt them in the microwave, pour into plastic baggie and cut tip off the corner and drizzle melted chocolate evenly. they are way better served warm with vanilla ice cream.

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